AlmaLinux 9 KDE: remove unwanted packages
Rédigé par uTuxAlmaLinux provides some "Live" images with various desktop environments. I installed the KDE "spin" and found out that there is a crap load of useless / unwanted packages. Here are my notes to disable them.
Packages that I don't need:
$ sudo dnf remove kmines kmahjongg kolourpaint kruler akregator kmail konversation dragon juk kamoso kaddressbook korganizer plasma-discover flatpak* sssd* java-11-openjdk-headless oddjob
You may want to keep sssd and oddjob if your workstation has membership to an Active Directory. You may also want to keep plasma-discover if you want a GUI to search for packages and have software updates notifications.
Softwares that can be a security issue on a workstation (they may listen for connections or allow unwanted remote access):
$ sudo dnf remove cockpit* krfb krdc hyperv* mariadb* open-vm-tools qemu-guest-agent spice-vdagent tcpdump openssh-server
It's a shame that AlmaLinux and RockyLinux do not provide a "minimal" KDE Live image, or a clear documentation to install a minimal set of packages. Let's hope that KDE gets more attention from Red Hat for the next major release!