Thank you debops (advanced Ansible tricks)
Rédigé par uTuxI think debops developers are really good and I learn a lot of advanced stuff when I read their roles. I think they should be the reference for Ansible best practises. Here is 3 useful tricks that I did not know.
if in variables
From debops/ansible-docker:
docker__upstream: '{{ True
if (docker__distribution_release == "stretch")
else False }}'
Self explanatory.
Variables mapping
From debops/ansible-docker::
'x86_64': 'amd64'
'armhf': 'armhf'
docker__upstream_repository: '{{ "deb [arch="
+ docker__upstream_arch_map[ansible_architecture]
+ "]" + docker__distribution|lower + " "
+ docker__distribution_release + " " + docker__upstream_channel }}'
The fact ansible_architecture is x86_64, so the variable docker__upstream_arch_map[ansible_architecture] will be resolve to amd64.
YAML to json j2
From debops/ansible-docker:
{{ docker__tpl_options | to_nice_json }}
In a variable file, simply set a YAML dictionnary, ie /defaults/main.yml:
data-root: /var/lib/docker
storage-driver: overlay2
In templates/daemon.j2:
{{ docker__tpl_options | to_nice_json }}
Thank you debops :)